Mandatory Evacuation Drill. 

On Wednesday June 5, 2024  Valley View Villa will be conducting a mandatory evacuation drill.

It is going to be held at 1:30 pm and we ask that all family and friends please do not visit between the hours of 1:00PM – 3:00PM . If you could also pass this information along to any other family members or friends that may be interested in visiting, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Sarah or Lisa at (902) 755-5780

Valley View Villa

Walk for Alzheimer’s – Friday, May 24th

Friends, Family, Volunteers and Staff are invited to Walk (& Roll!) for Alzheimer’s with Valley View Villa Friday May 24th from 1:30 – 3:30.

Weather permitting, participants can follow a loop around Riverview and VVV property, or a route of their own choosing. Pledge sheets can be picked up at the Recreation Office on 2nd Floor.

For more information contact Recreation at (902) 755-5780 EXT 205

Water Safe for Consumption

Hello Friends and Family,

We are pleased to report we have received the official test results from our water analysis. The Department of the Environment has declared facility water is safe for consumption.

Thank you.

Trick-or-Treat October 27

On October 27, the Villa will be handing out goodies to Trick-or-Treaters! Bring your little Princesses and Pumpkins and Mummies and Monsters in for a treat. Please register by signing the Registration sheet in the Main Entrance or on the Recreation Office door. You can also let Kim, Shalene or Vania know via phone, email, or when you see them. Please register by October 24!

Visitation Updates

  • NO appointment needed to visit.
  • Visiting hours 7AM – 7PM, 7 days a week
  • Visitors use the Self Check-in at the Main Entrance.  Follow the directions inside to sanitize, put on a new mask, sign in, press the large red button to enter.
  • Residents may leave the facility for off-site drives, family visits & overnight visits. If taking a Resident off the premises,  the Resident must be signed out  at the nursing station or at the front desk before leaving.
  • Masks must be worn in ALL common areas. Once in the Resident’s room, you may remove your mask to enjoy your visit.
  • Visits take place in the Resident’s room.
  • Maximum of five (5) visitors in the Resident’s room at one time.

Angels of Light 2022

Join us in celebrating Christmas this year by helping us light up our Tree dedicated to Love. Our Dedication Christmas Tree is lit to commemorate our deceased loved ones or to honour those still in our lives. The honourees do not have to be residents at the Villa, but can be anyone for whom you have an abiding attachment or appreciation for being part of your life.

On Thursday, December 8th at 6:30, we will have a short service with the lighting of the tree. The tree will stay lit until the end of the holiday season for all to enjoy. If you would like to make a donation in memory or in honour of a loved one, you can pick up donation forms at the Recreation Office or the main entrance. Forms will be available on the Valley View Villa website, and will also be distributed through Canada Post.

All proceeds will go towards Resident Activity programming. Please click here to download the Dedication Form.

Completed forms and donation can be mailed to:

Valley View Villa
6125 Trafalgar Road
Riverton, NS
B0K 1S0

Family Day 2022 – Thursday, August 18th

This Thursday, August 18th from 2:00pm – 3:30pm, weather permitting, we will be having our annual Family Day!

We Hope You Can Join Us! We will have a BBQ, Ice Cream & Music.

Please Bring Own Lawn Chair. We ask if possible that families arrive a little early to bring their resident outside for the afternoon that would be greatly appreciated.


July 24th 2022

Yesterday, residents were evacuated from the facility due to a chemical detected on equipment used by hazmat. We have determined that due to excessive heat, this caused residents on one of the units to feel unwell. The chemical detected on the fire departments Hazmat equipment came from garbage and there is no risk to resident safety. All residents are in the process of moving back into the facility.
The facility is putting immediate plans in place to temper the air in the building to avoid future incidents. Resident will be monitored and extra hydration rounds will be provided. Everyone is stable.

Proof of Vaccination Update

Exciting news, proof of vaccination is no longer required for visitors and designated caregivers to enter our facility.

To enter the building you will to do the following:

  • Sanitize hands remove old mask.
  • Sanitize Hands put new mask on.
  • Sign in with name/date/ answer the screening questions
  • Press red button located on side wall to enter.

No limit to the number of visitors per resident at one time.

Mask must be worn in common areas.

Call nursing station 902-755-5780 ext 206 (1st floor) or 207 (2nd floor) for the following:

  • Taking resident out for an appointment
  • Overnight visits

When taking resident offsite make sure you sign out your resident at the nursing station.

To exit building just ask one of the staff the code for the main door.

Door will be open from 7:00AM to 7:00PM daily.

There will no longer be a phone at the front door.

Thank you for keeping our residents safe, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

Valley View Villa Management

Visitation Updates

Family & Friends:

The building is now open to DCG and visitors as long as individuals are double vaccinated. A  few items to note:

  • No appointments required
  • Visitation hours are Monday, Wednesday Friday Saturday & Sunday 9:00am -5:00pm and Tuesday & Thursdays 10:00am – 4:00pm

For complete details, please reads our latest memo by clicking here.

Valley View Villa Management

Family Council Meeting

When: Tuesday June 16th 2022
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: 1st Floor Dining Room

Seating is limited so please contact Lisa White by email or 902-755-5780 ext. 205 to RSVP by Friday June 10th.

Email any items for agenda by Friday June 10th any items not on agenda will not be discussed.

Client Satisfaction Survey

DCGs please pick up the Client Satisfaction Survey at the booking desk when you come in to visit your resident.


If you could fill it out with your resident and return it to the booking desk when leaving. If your resident cannot fill it out please feel free to fill in the parts that would apply to both you and your resident. You can also download a copy of the Survey by clicking here.


Thank you

COVID Boosters

Designated Caregivers can now pick up consent forms for the 4th booster at the booking desk. These need to be filled out before your resident can receive their 4th booster.

If you would like it emailed to you please email

Thank you

Designated Caregiver Updates

  • DCG can visit by APPOINTMENT ONLY. You will need to book these appointments the day prior to visiting by calling 902-755-5780 ext 216.
  • DO NOT come early to your appointment.
  • DCG are NOT PERMITTED to leave the residents room during their visits.
  • NO visiting in the common areas.
  • Visiting hours are 9am – 5pm. NO visits on TUESDAY OR THURSDAYS.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to EAT or DRINK during the visit.
  • Mask, face shields & gloves are required to be worn correctly at all times during the visit.
  • Must be DOUBLE VACCINATED to enter our building and have proof on you at all times.
  • Residents are NOT PERMITTED to go offsite for site seeing drives.
  • Only emergency medical appointments will be PERMITTED.
  • If your resident is on isolation you will NOT be PERMITTED to visit.

Valley View Villa Management

Visitation Updates

Family & Friends:

Starting Wednesday March 9th 2022 both floors will be allowed to have both DCG’s & visitors.

  • Visits will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY. You will need to book these appointments the day prior by calling 902-755-5780 ext 216.
  • VISITS will take place in resident’s rooms.
  • NO visiting in the common areas.
  • Visiting hours are 9-5. NO visits on TUESDAY OR THURSDAYS.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to EAT or DRINK during the visit.
  • Must be DOUBLE VACCINATED to enter our building and have proof on you at all times.
  • Medical mask will be worn at all times during the visit.
  • You can only visit ONE resident per VISIT.
  • NO walking residents in HALLWAYS during visits.
  • Residents are permitted to have 2 visitors at one time.
  • Offsite drives are PERMITTED. As long as Public Health regulations are followed. These need to be booked the day prior.

Valley View Villa Management

Visitation Updates

Family & Friends:

Starting Monday February 28th 2022
1st floor residents will be able to have visits from visitors and DCG’s.
2nd floor residents are still only able to have visits from DCG’s until further notice.

Visits will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY. You will need to book these appointments the day prior by calling 902-755-5780 ext 216.

  • VISITS will take place in resident’s rooms.
  • NO visiting in the common areas.
  • Visiting hours are 9-5. NO visits on TUESDAY OR THURSDAYS.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to EAT or DRINK during the visit.
  • Must be DOUBLE VACCINATED to enter our building and have proof on you at all times.
  • Medical masks will worn during the ENTIRE visit when visiting on 1st floor.
  • Medical mask, face shield & gloves will be worn during the ENTIRE visit on 2nd floor.
  • You can only visit ONE resident per VISIT. NO walking residents in HALLWAYS during visits.
  • 1st floor residents can have TWO visitors/DCG at a time.
  • 2nd floor residents are still limited to ONE DCG at a time.
  • NO offsite drives permitted at this time. Only for medical appointments.

Valley View Villa Management

Designated Care Giver Visits

Family & Friends:

As per public health guidelines Designated Care Givers are the only visitors permitted to visit at this time. There will be an update once anything changes.

  • Visits will be by APPOINTMENT ONLY. You will need to book these appointments the day prior by calling 902-755-5780 ext 216.
  • ONE DCG can visit daily.
  • VISITS will take place in resident’s rooms.
  • NO visiting in the common areas.
  • Visiting hours are 9-5. NO visits on TUESDAY OR THURSDAYS.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to EAT or DRINK during the visit.
  • Must be DOUBLE VACCINATED to enter our building and always have proof on you.
  • Medical masks, gloves & face shields will be worn during the ENTIRE visit.

Valley View Villa Management

Re: COVID19 Positive Case

Dear Residents, Families, and Loved Ones,

The facility has been notified by public health that one resident at Valley View Villa has tested positive for COVID19. By provincial definition, one resident is considered a ‘Suspect Outbreak’. Any resident who is on the affected hall, the facility is already in the process of contacting each Substitute Decision Maker directly.

Further communication regarding new protocols for designated caregivers will be provided in a follow up memo found here. As we progress with the investigation, any resident who is directly affected, the facility will reach out to each Substitute Decision Makers.

Your loved ones are in excellent hands. When meeting with all staff today, they were poised, confident and exceptional. Stay kind with one another while we all work through these difficult times.


Marcus Stephenson

Updated Restrictions

Dear Residents, Families, and Loved Ones,

Re: Restrictions

We are deeply saddened with the recent outbreak of the highly contagious Omicron strain of COVID19. I am sure you are all equally exhausted, fed up, scared and wish this would go away. However, it is not, and further restrictions are required to keep our residents safe. As announced today by Dr. Strang and Premier Houston, further restrictions include:

  • All residents can only have 2 consistent visitors (which include Designated Caregivers). Meaning these two visitors cannot change and must remain the same.
  • Residents are not allowed off site visits, unless it is for medical appointments. Sightseeing drives, with no stops, are allowed with either of the two assigned visitors.
  • Residents without their booster vaccine are not permitted to congregate in recreational activities, or hair salons.
  • Visiting hours will stay the same 9-5 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
  • No visits will take place on Tuesday or Thursdays.
  • One visitor per double room at one time
  • Two visitors per single room at one time.

These will take place as off tomorrow Wednesday December 22nd 2021

If further restrictions are outlined in the Long‐Term Care Directive, we will communicate such changes.

These lockdowns are difficult on everyone’s mental health, especially our residents. I do ask that everyone remain kind and respectful with one another. Our care team will remain committed and compassionate and will be sure to make the most of a very difficult situation.

Take care, stay safe, and Happy Holidays.

December 20th Restriction Updates


As cases rise in our province we will be implementing stricter rules around visiting & off site visits. Effective Tuesday December 21st 2021 until further notice we will be implementing the following:

  • Residents who are going out with their families will need to self isolate for 72 hours upon returning and will have to have a negative COVID test before coming off isolation. You can still visit during their isolation period but will have to wear full PPE during the entire visit.
  • If your resident lives in a double room they will only be allowed ONE visitor during their visit.
  • Visitors are NOT PERMITTED to leave the residents room during their visit for any reason, when your visit is over you are to go directly to the exit.
  • No visiting in common areas. If your resident is in a common area when you arrive you are to take them directly to their room to have your visit.
  • NO homemade food will be permitted. Pre packaged food with expiry date will be the only food allowed in, take out will be permitted as long as the resident eats it during the visit, it will be disposed of once visit is over.
  • Visiting hours will be changing to MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,FRIDAY,SATURDAY SUNDAY 9-5. There will be no visits on TUESDAY OR THURSDAYS.
  • Visitors will not be permitted to EAT or DRINK during the visit.
  • Masks are required to be worn correctly at all times during the visit, if at any time during the visit the facility rules are broken you will be asked to leave.
  • All visitors must be DOUBLE VACCINATED to enter our building.

Thank you & Happy Holidays
Valley View Villa Management

Updated Restrictions

Family & Friends;

As of Friday December 16th 2021 the following restrictions have been put in place for LTC facilities across Nova Scotia.

Facility Visits

  • Residents are permitted to have two (2) visitors at a time.
  • Visitors are not required to be designated caregivers.
  • There is no maximum number of visitors a resident may receive in a day and it does not have to be the same two visitors each time.
  • It is recommended but not required that visitors be rapid tested within 24 hours of the visit if possible.
  • Masking and physical distancing are required during the entire visit. Residents may have a quick hug but then physical distancing must be maintained for the duration of the visit.
  • Check exposure sites prior to visiting as you may not be able to visit.
  • All visitors must be fully vaccinated and be able to show proof of vaccination through QR scan code.

Offsite Visits

  • Residents may only leave the facility for overnight visits if they are fully vaccinated.


  • The facility should have a consistent group of 10 residents with a maxim of 20 within a facility during congregated times ( meals, recreation)

As a facility the following will be put in place on Friday December 17th to keep our residents and staff safe:

  • Residents must stay on their own floor.
  • Gathering limits will be a maximum of 20 residents during meal times & programming.
  • Visits in the resident lounge will be limited to one resident and two visitors per visit.
  • During your visits you will be permitted to stay inside the residents room for the duration of your visit, no walking/ mingling in the hallways.

Thank you for understanding during these uncertain times. It is our priority to keep our residents as safe as possible.

Take Care & Happy Holidays
Valley View Villa Management

Holidays 2021

Family & Friends

I know the holidays are nearing and family and friends are wondering what can and cannot be brought into the facility during these challenging times.

  • Christmas presents CAN be brought into the facility & do not have to have an isolation period. If you want the present to be open on Christmas Day please leave instructions to do so also make sure the residents name is labelled clearly on the present.
  • If you are bringing homemade baked goods into the facility they can only go to your resident; they CANNOT be shared between residents or staff.
  • You CAN bring in a small tabletop Christmas tree for your residents room or something small to decorate their room. Please limit the amount of decorations per room.
  • Our facility will be open on Christmas Day from 10-6 for families to visit. Regular visiting rules apply.
  • You are able to take your resident out during the holiday season as long as it is booked the day prior. Regular off site visit rules apply.
  • If you are bringing gifts in for the staff please make sure they are individually wrapped and NO HOMEMADE BAKED GOODS.

If you have any further questions please let me know by email or call (902) 755-5780 ext. 205.

Thank you for understanding the importance of keeping our residents and staff safe.

Take Care

Lisa White

Angels of Light

Valley View Villa invites you to join us to celebrate Christmas this year by helping us to light up our tree dedicated to love. Our Christmas tree will be lit nightly to commemorate deceased loved ones or to honor people still in our lives. These people do not have to be residents at the Villa, but can be anyone for whom you have an abiding attachment or appreciation for being part of your life.

Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we will not be having a light ceremony. But as always proceeds from this will go directly to resident programming. The tree will be lit on Thursday December 9th at 6:30 pm and every night until after the holiday season if you wish to drive by.

Please click here to download a printable copy of the Dedication Form.

Vaccine Passport & Visitors

Dear Family/Friends,

RE: Vaccine Passport

Effective Thursday October 28th 2021, all visitors entering our building will require the newest COVID vaccine passport which includes the QR scan access. If your card cannot be scanned upon entry you will not be permitted in our building. You will also need to provide another piece of identification (driver’s license, health card etc.)

Thank you for understanding & keeping our residents safe.


Valley View Management Team

Vaccination Requirement for Visitors to LTC

TO: Long-Term Care Facilities
FROM: Paula Langille, Director, DSLTC
DATE: October 4, 2021
RE: Vaccination Requirement for Visitors to LTC

Thank you for your patience as we work to clarify all the details of the Phase 5 changes to Long-Term Care that come into effect today, October 4, 2021. We anticipate that the COVID-19 Guidelines for Long-Term Care Facilities will follow later this week.

Following the release of CCIR 21-150.0 Mandatory Vaccine September 29 we have received several questions. Please find clarification below.

Effective today, October 4, 2021:

  • All visitors to long-term care must be fully vaccinated. Proof of vaccination must be provided by visitors who wish to visit a loved one in LTC. This does not include designated caregivers, professionals (such as lawyers or financial advisors), or children under 12 years of age.
  • Residents may not leave the facility with visitors who are not fully vaccinated. This does not include designated caregivers.
  • All LTC residents throughout the province may leave their facility to participate in activities in the community. All residents may attend overnight visits except when the overnight visit will occur in Central zone. This means residents of any zone (including central zone) may attend overnight visits that occur outside of the Central zone.

Facilities may make exceptions to visiting restrictions for non-vaccinated visitors in instances where the resident is palliative. Non-vaccinated visitors who attend LTC facilities to visit a palliative resident must wear a mask and follow all PPE and distancing guidelines.

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Policy Changes for Long-Term Care Facilities

Mandatory Vaccination Policy – all Service Providers

Vaccination protects residents, clients, designated care givers, employees, team members, and visitors from SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19). Vaccination will help prevent the introduction and transmission of COVID-19 and decrease the risk of outbreaks in health-care and home-care settings across the province.

Dr. Robert Strang, the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Nova Scotia, announced on September 29, 2021 there will be mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for various sectors in Nova Scotia. This includes all workers, professionals and volunteers in licensed and unlicensed long-term care facilities.

Vaccination will also be required for the following in long-term care: visitors, volunteers, designated caregivers, contractors, hairdressers, and delivery and repair workers, etc. The expectation is to be fully vaccinated (first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccine) by November 30, 2021.

Nova Scotia Health has developed a mandatory vaccine policy that will be shared and will provide a framework for service providers to adapt as their mandatory vaccine policy. The policy will be applicable to existing staff and new hires. Full vaccination will be a hiring condition for new staff. There will be additional information on best practices to support service providers in managing employee vaccine records. It will be the responsibility of the sites to keep accurate and current vaccine records for their staff.

The vaccine mandate allows for a medical exception process for staff and Designated Caregivers who are unable to be vaccinated. However, the medical reasons required for an exception are very specific and limited. An exception letter can only be issued by a nurse practitioner or physician.

Definition of fully vaccinated

A person is considered fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) 14 days or more after receipt of the vaccine schedules listed below, following minimum dosing intervals.

  • 2 doses of a 2-dose series of a Health Canada authorized COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech,AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD). This is inclusive of mixed vaccine schedules.
  • 1 dose of a 1-dose series of a Health Canada authorized COVID-19 vaccine(Janssen/Johnson & Johnson).
  • Complete series of a non-Health Canada, World Health Organization authorized COVID-19•vaccine (e.g., Sinopharm or Sinovac)

An individual is considered not fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 if they have not received a COVID-19 vaccine series as described above, including only one dose of any two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series. More information can be found: Coronavirus (COVID-19): vaccine – Government of Nova Scotia, Canada

In addition to the mandatory vaccination policy effective November 30, 2021, the following changes are effective Monday, October 4, 2021 at 8 a.m.:

  • Medical masks will continue to be mandatory for all visitors, Designated Caregivers and staff.
  • Residents are permitted to leave the facility and stay overnight at a family home, Designated Caregiver’s home, or home of a friend (within Atlantic Canada), in accordance with the Guidelines dated August 4, 2021, except where prohibited. This will be based on zone epidemiology.
  • Long-term care residents residing in Central Zone are not permitted to leave the facility and stay overnight.
  • Residents residing in other zones may not stay overnight in Central Zone.

Additional information

We continue to have resources and protocols in place to support you in your work. Continue to follow COVID-19 safety protocols including staff self-screening, and pre-screening and Point of Care Risk Assessment for clients. Continue to practice good hand hygiene, universal masking, and use of PPE as recommended. Also, please be advised that soon there will be an updated document for families posted at — scan down to “Long-term care visiting guidelines.” You may wish to provide this link or document to your families and residents

Mandatory COVID‐19 Vaccine Policy

To Staff, Families, Designated Caregivers, Volunteers, and Contractors

Attached is a release of information from the province of Nova Scotia mandating vaccination for all Long Term Care Facilities across the province. Attached is all relevant information that pertains to Valley View Villa which has been outlined in CCIR#21‐150.0 issued from the Province of Nova Scotia. We have not learned anything beyond this memo. Further communication will be posted as we learn more on how the rollout of this mandate is developed.


Marcus Stephenson

Thursday July 15th Visitation Updates

Dear Family & Friends,

As of Thursday July 15th we are entering phase 4 of the reopening plan with that being said the following has changed in our facility:

For residents who are fully immunized against COVID-19:

  • Visits in a family home, including overnight stays for no more than one night at a time, are now permitted, while adhering to the current Public Health Order (e.g., gathering limits, etc.) Others may visit the home while the resident is present, as long as gathering limits are maintained. It is recommended that all eligible residents in a family home are immunized with at least one dose. A family home includes the home of a family member or Designated Caregiver. This may also include a family cottage, RV, etc.

For residents who are partially immunized or not immunized against COVID-19:

  • Full community access is now permitted for residents as per the restrictions in the Public Health Order (such as gathering limits and masking, etc.) Access is permitted with a support person, Designated Caregiver, or independently, if agreed upon by the resident and facility. This includes retail stores, restaurants, banks, adult day programs, work and school. This does not include visits in a family home.
  • Indoor visits in designated visitation areas and in resident rooms are now permitted. These visits need to be per booked by the residents Designated Caregiver only. Residents are encouraged, but are not required, to wear a mask and physically distance from their visitor(s). This means that these residents may sit close, hug, touch, or exchange a kiss or handshake during an indoor visit.

Indoor visits must still be booked by the residents Designated Caregiver with a limit of 2 visitors at a time. Between the hours of 10-6 seven days a week.

Outside visits can be booked by family or friends with a limit of 5 including the resident. Between the hours of 9-5 Monday-Friday.

Offsite drives must be per booked the day before by the designated care giver and the designated caregiver must be present during the outing. These can be booked between the hours of 10-6, seven days a week. If you are taking your resident out for the night please remember they are only allowed to leave the facility for one night.

Please ensure all Public Health Guidelines are followed at all times when with your resident.


Valley View Villa Management

Infrastructure News

Re: Infrastructure Announcement

Valley View Villa has received exciting news. The Province of Nova Scotia announced improve living conditions for our residents by funding and overseeing major infrastructure upgrades for Valley View Villa.

To date, minimal details have been provided to the facility. Provincial teams are currently planning for the community assessment and stakeholder engagement phase of this project. After the need’s assessment
is complete, provincial leaders will determine whether to replace, repair, or renovate the facility. Please find the official press release:


Marcus Stephenson

Visitation Updates

Dear Families & Friends;

Effective Thursday July 1st 2021:

For residents who are fully immunized against COVID-19:

  • Designated Caregivers are able to book indoor visits for family & friends to visit the resident in their room. These visits must be booked in advance and you will need to screen in at the main door prior to visiting residents. When visiting inside we are allowing 2 visitors at a time with 1 resident. Visiting hours are still 10-6.
  • Full community access is now permitted. Residents can only go into the community with their designated caregivers. This includes: stores, restaurants, etc. As per restrictions in the Public Health Order. (mask is to be worn at all times by DCG while in the car, also by resident if they can tolerate mask)

For residents who are partially immunized or not immunized against COVID-19:

  • Visits outdoors without physically distancing are now permitted. Residents are encouraged but not required to wear a mask and physically distance when possible.
  • Residents may now access outdoor public areas such as boardwalks & public parks with their designated caregivers. The resident must maintain physical distancing (except with their designated caregiver) and is not permitted to come in contact with others during the outing.

Please remember outside visits are still available Monday to Friday between the hours of 9-5. You can do this by calling 902-755-5780 ext 216. The limit of people allowed during an outside visit is 5 this includes 4 visitors & the resident.

Please note rules & regulations change daily. Thank you for understanding in these difficult times.

Take Care & Stay Safe

Valley View Villa, Management Team

Visiting Updates

Visitations now open for Designated Caregivers 10am – 6pm. For other Family and Friends, currently by appointment only.

Please contact us with any questions.

Thank you!

Lifting Restrictions in Long-Term Care, Effective June 16, 2021 at 8 a.m.

Phase 2 of the province’s reopening plan is in effect on June 16, 2021 at 8 a.m., and includes the lifting of the following restrictions in long-term care:

For all residents:

  • The requirement to cohort residents, for example, for dining and group activities, has been removed. Cohorting residents is no longer required.
  • When going on a sight-seeing drive with Designated Caregiver or in a facility bus, drivethroughs are now permitted.
  • Sightseeing drives with one or both of their Designated Caregivers are now permitted (one resident at a time, no stops allowed, but drive-throughs are permitted). The resident is not permitted to come into contact with others during the drive.

For residents who are fully immunized against COVID-19:

  • Residents may now go for a walk off the grounds of the facility (locally, in the home’s neighbourhood) with a Designated Caregiver(s), a support person, or independently, if the resident/Substitute Decision Maker and facility care team consider it safe to do so.
  • Residents may access outdoor public areas such as boardwalks, parks, etc. The resident must maintain physical distancing (except with their Designated Caregiver or support person) and is not permitted to come into contact with others during the walk.

For residents who are partially immunized against COVID-19, or not immunized at all:

  • Residents may now go for a walk off the grounds of the facility (locally, in the home’s neighbourhood) with a Designated Caregiver or support person, or independently, if the resident/Substitute Decision Maker and facility care team consider it safe to do so.
  • Hairdressing appointments at the in-house salon are now permitted.
  • Residents may be visited indoors or outdoors by specialized workers including a licensed hair stylist, lawyer, financial advisor, etc.

Volunteers, as defined in the Guidelines, may now resume activities in long-term care facilities.

Visitation Updates

Exciting news we are in the process of re opening our building to Designated Caregiver & starting outside visits up again to family and friends who are not DCG’s. The following will be implemented in the coming days:

  • Starting Monday June 7th 2021, vaccinated residents can have outside visits with family & friends. These visits must be booked through the front desk 902-755-5780 ext 216 and will be between the hours of 9:30 – 4:40 Monday to Friday. Visits will take place in the gazebo and also on the Oak deck. They will be 30 minutes in length and you can have up to four visitors plus your resident. A total of 5 in the visiting area at a time. Each resident will receive up to two visits weekly if scheduling allows.
  • Effective June 3rd 2021, residents can have two designated caregivers to visit at the same time.
  • Effective June 3rd 2021 one designated caregiver at a time can take residents for sightseeing drives. Designated caregiver must wear a mask at all times, no stops or drive thrus will be permitted. A travel log must be filled out upon arrival and return. You must be screened upon picking up your resident. This will happen at the main entrance.
  • Starting Monday June 7th 2021 education will be provided so DCG can visit residents in their room. Two designated caregivers will be permitted to visit at the same time. You will still need to be screened in before entering the facility, the screening will take place at the main entrance.

You do not need to book an appointment as a DCG to visit your resident, you just need to visit between the hours of 10am – 6pm Monday – Friday. DCG has daily access to their residents. You will need the education before you can enter the care area.

Please note rules & regulations change daily. Thank you for understanding in these difficult times. Please note this is Phase 1 of our reopening plan. Updates will be given frequently.

Take Care & Stay Safe

Management Team
Valley View Villa

COVID-19: Long Term Care

IPAC Recommendations for Facilities Receiving Resident Belongings from Home & Other Deliveries

During the COVID-19 pandemic, client/residents may need essential or non-essential items from outside the facility or belongings from home. These items may include clean or seasonal clothing, food items, personal care supplies, and gifts/flowers. This guidance document was developed to offer suggestions to long term care facilities (LTCF) on how to accept these items while abiding by infection prevention and control practices. This guidance pertains to accepting gifts from family/support person(s) or designated caregivers during a visit with a client/resident, family members & individuals who wish to drop off items at a LTCF for a client/resident, and/or commercial delivery personnel.


  1. Follow provincial guidance for self-screening for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Items should not be brought in from a home where individuals are on self-isolation or symptomatic
    individuals are present.
    a. Delivery of the personal items/belongings should be deferred until the isolation period has lapsed and/or symptoms have resolved.
    b. If a client/resident requires an item on an urgent basis, arrangements should be made, in conjunction with the facility, to have an alternate person who is not on self-isolation and who does not have symptoms to pick up and deliver items to the facility.
  2. Ensure all resident clothing items are freshly laundered.
  3. Place resident clothing and personal items in a clean, disposable plastic bag for delivery, instead of a suitcase, duffle bag, etc. The bag should be labelled with the resident’s name.
  4. Ensure food items are pre-packaged, non-perishable commercially prepared food items, or single-serving homemade food items. Food items must not require refrigeration or heating, and must be in a disposable container. Containers and leftovers will be discarded.
  5. Wear a face mask when entering and in the facility.
  6. Arrive at the designated visitor entrance and report to the screening desk or other designated area.
  7. Perform hand hygiene upon entry and exit from the facility.


  1. Develop a written internal process for accepting deliveries for a client/resident and for family/support persons bringing in personal items from home during scheduled visits.
  2. Assign a designated individual(s )to be responsible for maintaining and providing to the security/registration desk a list of expected deliveries, to allow for coordination of staff and ensure timing between deliveries if needed.
  3. Staff receiving the items will perform hand hygiene and put on clean gloves before handling any items being delivered.
  4. Designated staff members should deliver items to the resident.
  5. If the resident is unable to manage unpacking the delivered items, assistance may be provided. The staff member should put on gloves before helping the resident, discard the bag after removing the items, then remove the gloves and perform hand hygiene.
  6. If the resident is on Additional Precautions, staff may accept and deliver items using the correct
    PPE as outlined on door signage.

Visitation and Protocol Updates

Dear Families and Loved Ones,

Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding during our recent precautionary closure. This pause has allowed us to evaluate our current operation and ensure safety for residents, family, staff, and community. It is our intention to remain open to designated caregivers throughout this wave, to continue with psychosocial and emotional needs of your loved one.

Over the next few days, we will be refreshing all designated caregivers with their training and updating agreements to best reflect current protocol and procedure. Please call (902)755‐5780 ext 216 to book your training to take place Wednesday Thursday and Friday starting at 1:00PM with the last session beginning at 3:00PM in the gazebo. These sessions are a half hour with a capacity of 8 DSGs per session. Once you complete your refresher and signed agreement you can begin booking your appointments as early as Friday April 30th for the following week.

General Procedure for Designated Caregiver Visits during 3rd wave

  • Visits will be 30 minutes in length
  • Each DCG will receive one visit a week
  • Each visit will consist of the resident and one caregiver.
  • 6 foot social distancing at all times
  • Masks must be worn at all times
  • 1 strike policy. If you are not following Public Health Directives you will be asked to leave
  • Education and signed agreement is mandatory to visit
  • Food from home is allowed, but must be brought in a wipe able container
  • Do not leave assigned visitation area while visiting your resident
  • Conduct must be respected and adhered to at all times
  • Visits will only be Mon‐Fri 10:00‐5:15 until epidemiology improves

We recognize that these are stressful times. Emotions are heightened for all stakeholders, so we must be patient, courteous and always show mutual respect when interacting with each other. You will be asked to leave our facility if you do not adhere to our conduct policy. All stakeholders deserve a respectful environment at all times. Anything less will not be tolerated.

If an issue does occur, we do encourage you to proceed through a complaint process. Ask to speak to an RN, who will be able to assist you. If your complaint is about staff conduct, policy, etc. you will be provided a complaint form that you are to fill out. This form will be given to the appropriate manager or director and a response will be provided with 72 hours. A resolve should happen at this stage. However, if your complaint is not resolved, please address the complaint to the administrator to make a final decision, determination/resolve regarding the issue.

Thank you all for your continued understanding and support through these difficult times.

Family Memo

Today is the last Day for Designated Caregivers to be vaccinated. Thank you all for participating in the vaccine rollout. We had an incredible turnout and our compliance rate with both residents and designated caregivers is greater than 95%. Again, this is a major layer of protection that will help reduce the severity of a potential COVID19 outbreak within the facility. We are looking to ease our restrictions, but this is completely dependent upon current epidemiology and public health restrictions.

As you are all aware, we are beginning to see spikes in our epidemiology provincially as well as locally. For these reasons we are going to take the following actions.

1) Close all visitations from April 24-26th . This will allow a short period of time to pass to see how our community is impacted with recent exposures at a provincial hockey tournament over April 16th‐19th here at our local wellness center and neighboring establishments.

2) On April 27th we will be opened to designated caregivers only. Due to our inability to socially distance, only one caregiver can visit at a time. This rule will be in place for 2 weeks, but will be assessed daily to either shorten or extend this restriction.

3) Medical appointments are still allowed. But we must stress that no person is to stop along the way. You are to only drive to and from your appointment. Full list of rules and a log sheet will be provided and signed off by all residents, or delegates, to ensure compliance.

4) Any person from the Halifax area or live in a community that is restricted by Public Health must respect the provincial directives. You are not permitted to leave your community, especially to come to a long‐term care facility. If you arrive on our property, we will report to the appropriate authorities.

Our greatest measure of protection is through limiting community spread. You, along with most of Nova Scotia, has been nothing but exceptional. I have full confidence you and your loved ones will do the right thing by limiting your social gathering and travel in order to curb the spread of this deadly virus within our province. Once we get ourselves on track, we will reevaluate the situation and assess from there.


Marcus Stephenson

Moderna COVID‐19 Vaccine

Dear Families and Designated Caregivers:

It is with great excitement to announce that we officially have the Moderna COVID‐19 Vaccine onsite. Tomorrow morning residents will begin their vaccinations. This is expected to finish Wednesday the following day. Thanks to all those who quickly completed consent forms and submitted them back to the facility in a timely manner.

Designated Caregivers will receive their first vaccine here at Valley View Villa on March 22, 23, 26 with the second dose administered April 19, 20, 23. Health Association Nova Scotia (HANS) will be in contact with
all designated caregivers to schedule appointments. Please note that the space used for visitations will be our vaccination clinic, therefor all scheduled visits will be cancelled on these days.

Vaccinating residents and caregivers will be a huge milestone to begin loosening restrictions here at the Villa. We will announce details once we complete the vaccination clinics.


Marcus Stephenson

Visitation Updates

Attention Families:

Visits will resume on Thursday February 18th 2021, we will be sticking to one visit a week per resident.  Designated caregiver (either one) and a plus one can visit at a time. If designated caregiver is unable to come they can approve someone else to come visit by calling and letting us know.

Visits can be cancelled right up to the day of your visit. Visits will be booked on a weekly bases. You can call halfway through the week to see if there is room for a second visit. Visits will be 30 minutes in length and no visits will be permitted during meal times.

You can call 902-755-5780 ext 216 to book your visit, please leave a message if there is no answer.

Thank you,

Lisa White

Re: Chickenpox

Dear families,

Public Health has reach out to inform us that a potential varicella zoster cluster (Chickenpox) at Valley View Villa, with 1 confirmed case and 1 probable case that work in the same unit with similar symptom onset date. Possible source of infection is a resident with a herpes zoster infection (Shingles). Although a recent physician assessment did not think this was HZ, swab was taken Feb 3 and is pending

We will be closing the facility from visitors (as a precaution) until further direction is made from Public Health. At this point in time, all staff will be required to undergo testing or prove their immunization. Further communication will be provided as information becomes available.


Marcus Stephenson


Holiday Visits and other news

Dear Families,

With yesterday’s announcement from our provincial leadership and Dr. Strang, Valley View Villa has made changes to the visitation restrictions over the holidays. It is our intention to continue with the Designated Caregiver visits that are already booked, but during these booked visits VVV will accommodate one additional visitor. The additional visitor does not have to be a designated caregiver. In addition, we are also going to increase the volume of visits to accommodate families to reconnect with their loved ones over the holiday season. These changes take effect on December 21, 2020.

Note, we are seeing exposure sites within our own community. We are monitoring this situation very closely, and for this reason we want to make it clear that all rules are subject to change without notice. This virus has the greatest impact on our vulnerable population, and we fully intend to take all necessary measures to maintain safety.

Vaccines are coming and will be issued to all residents, staff and designated caregivers from now until March. There is an end to this pandemic through vaccination, but until then, we cannot let our guard down.

2020 has been a year to remember. Although it has been faced with great difficulty, I can say there are silver linings. Priorities are better aligned with values, community is everything, and Nova Scotians are truly strong. For us healthcare workers, it has been extraordinarily busy, stressful and worrisome, but it has also been a blessing and incredibly rewarding to be part of this journey. I want to thank everyone for being so supportive, patient and kind. We are fortunate to have such an amazing community that cares for each other and our beloved residents. Your support and encouragement means everything and a reminder why our commitment continues to be unwavered.

Stay safe over the Holidays and look forward to your return in 2021.


Marcus Stephenson

Visitation Update

Dear Families and Loved Ones,  

We are monitoring the increasing epidemiology within our provincial borders. Today 37 new cases have been announced, with one new case in our zone. Taking the advice of Public Health, Valley View Villa will be closed to all visitors for a 2 week period starting Thursday November 26th. We will take this opportunity to reinforce our safety protocols, staff awareness, and make small infrastructure changes to enhance safety measures. This is a difficult decision, but it is one that will provide vulnerable population the most protection.  

If you have any questions, please contact the management team and we will be happy to assist you.  

Thank you for your understanding,  

 Marcus Stephenson 


Angels of Light 2020

Valley View Villa invites you to join us to celebrate Christmas this year by helping us to light up our tree dedicated to love. Our Christmas tree will be lit nightly to commemorate deceased loved ones or to honor people still in our lives. These people do not have to be residents at the Villa, but can be anyone for whom you have an abiding attachment or appreciation for being part of your life.

Unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we will not be having a light ceremony. But as always proceeds from this will go directly to resident programming.


Please click here to download our Dedication Form

Visitation Guidelines

Dear Families and Loved Ones,

We are closely monitoring the active cases within our province. We are noticing increases in COVID19 cases, and with a large volume of exposures in our central zone, we suspect community spread will be inevitable. With this evolving situation, our leadership team decided this to be an appropriate time to implement restrictions to ensure the safety of residents, family, and staff.

Effective November 14th:

  • Families visiting residents in private rooms will have to book appointments with the front desk and have the visit in our designated areas.
  • Offsite visits are now going to be restricted to medical appointments only.

Effective immediately

  • Any person who left the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days, or, any person who has visitors staying with them from outside the Atlantic bubble in the past 14 days will be restricted from entering the facility.
  • Fast food items (Tim Hortons, McDonalds, etc.) will not be permitted inside the building.

Christmas gifts should start to be considered now. We will be accepting gifts, but the cutoff date will be December 20th.

These small changes can make a huge impact on the safety of those we care. We are working our best to avoid a full lockdown, but this will require compliance from all stakeholders and members within our caring community. I thank you all in advance for your understanding on this matter.


Marcus Stephenson

On-site & Off-Site Visits

Dear Families and Loved Ones,

As we work through new rules and regulations regarding onsite and offsite visits, we want to stress the following to achieve the best visit possible.

  • All visits are to be booked Monday to Friday by calling 902‐755‐5780 ext. 216 or All booking must be made in advance. No exception to this rule.
  • Palliative care guidelines remain as before and are separate from any other visitation.
  • Outdoor visitation will cease Oct 31, 2020
  • Visitation hours will be continuing 1000‐1800 Monday to Sunday form 10AM‐6PM
  • Designated Caregiver visits will be limited to 50 minutes to allow for disinfection between visits. Exceptions can be made for residents in private rooms (please speak with a staff member).
  • Only 1 family member is permitted at a time (for now).
  • If the family is coming to assist with a meal, this must be mentioned when booking so the meal will be at the proper place at the proper time.
  • Designated Caregiver status does not mean you are a caregiver. For the safety of your loved one, please ensure that professional and trained staff provide the appropriate care. For most, this would only require emotional support, aid in communication, and feeding.
  • Visitors must arrive at the proper time. Early entrance will not be permitted.
  • Community visits – family will arrive and park at the back entrance.
  • Masks are to be worn for the entire duration of the visit.
  • Offsite visits will be offered Monday to Saturday (no Sunday off site visits at this time)
  • Please be respectful of staff. All stakeholders are expected to treat one another with mutual respect while on Valley View Villa property. Employees have the right to not tolerate rude behavior. Such instances will be documented, followed up by management, and restrictions will be put in place.


Marcus Stephenson

Guidelines for Resident Visits with Family in their Homes

The Guidelines for Resident visits with Family in their Homes for Long Term Care Facilities in Nova Scotia has been developed to support long‐term care facilities to safely support residents to enjoy off‐ site day visits with family in their homes. Please note that this is a supplement to the COVID‐19 Management in Long Term Care Facilities. 

For complete information please review the Family Visits at Home & Community Access documents or contact us for more information.


Visitation Update

Dear Families and Loved Ones,

We are pleased to inform everyone that our phased approach to opening the facility to Designated Caregivers has been successful. Once our package is reviewed by our pilot group and out of draft form, we will share with all Substitute Decision Makers (SDM). We are targeting for Tuesday September 29th. This package will outline our expectations and how to proceed with booking your orientation and visits. We look forward to this positive change.

We are also aware that starting Monday, September 28th, the province is deeming it safe for residents to leave the facility. Once again, we received this information the same time as the public. Our priority is to open the facility to Designated Care Givers and have this operating safely and smoothly. Once we have this in place, we will review the guidelines for offsite visits. We ask for everyone to remain patient on this matter, so we can do this properly and safely. Once our plan is in place, all families will be notified.


Marcus Stephenson

Family Memo

Dear Families and Loved Ones,

We are very pleased to let you know that the Province of Nova Scotia is now allowing both indoor and outdoor visitation, by appointment only, to its Long‐Term Care Facilities. I know our residents and families are eager to see their loved ones. We are looking forward to supporting in‐person visits in designated areas within the facility and on facility grounds. For Valley View Villa, visits indoors will take place in the main dining room and the gazebos for outdoor. Physical distancing rules apply, and visitors are expected to wear non‐medical masks for outdoor visits and medical masks for indoor visits. Medical masks will be provided to families by the facility when you arrive.

Appointments will be scheduled in advance, and time limits will be in effect to ensure all residents who are able have a chance to visit with family. Visitation will be available only to residents who are not required to self‐isolate and who are not demonstrating signs or symptoms of COVID‐19 or other respiratory‐like illness.

If you wish to schedule a visit, please contact Lisa White ( to book an appointment.

Please note that only one designated non‐essential family/support visitor can visit a resident at a time for indoor visitation. Only three visitors can be designated for indoor visits. These three designated visitors will be decided by the resident or substitute decision maker. Up to five people can visit a resident at a time during outdoor visitation. Outdoor visits do not have a limit to the number of designated visitors. You will be required to follow our protocol for visits, which is based on directives from the Department of Health and Wellness and the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Specific instructions will be provided to you when your appointment is booked.

Should you have to cancel your visitation for any reason, please notify the facility in a timely manner to allow the facility to both support you in rescheduling, as well as allow other families to visit their loved ones.


Marcus Stephenson

Visitor Protocol


  • All visits are to be booked through recreation. Please contact Lisa White ( This is subject to change, please stay posted.
  • When booking you will be prescreened, and you will later be screened when arriving. If you present any symptoms prior to arriving, please notify the facility and we will reschedule to a later date.
  • If you develop any symptoms related to COVID19 within two weeks prior to your visit, please notify the facility and call 811.

Indoor Visits

  • Resident or Substitute Decision Maker must designate three individuals for indoor visits. These three visitors cannot change.
  • Only one visitor per indoor visit.
  • Parking is in the front of the building at the designated parking area (this is subject to change as the side may be more convenient).
  • Visitor will enter the ‘Main Entrance’ at the front of the building.
  • Mask and Hand Sanitizer will be in the foyer. Please perform proper hand hygiene and wear the provided medical mask.
  • Visitor will be screened over the treehouse phone/intercom before entering.
  • Visitor will be escorted to main floor dining room for visits.
  • Visitor must wear mask for the entire visit and maintain a 6 foot distance at all times.
  • Visits are limited to 30 mins.
  • All visits will be supervised by staff.
  • After visit is over, visitor may exit through the dining room door.

Outdoor Visits

  • Up to 5 visitors at a time. They do not need to be the same 5 each time.
  • Parking is in the front for the Gazebo, Parking is in HavenBrook parking area for the covereddeck.
  • Please follow the signage. Wait in designated area for staff to give direction. Ensure you arrive with your mask on. Mask can be either medical or non‐medical.
  • Use provided hand sanitizer prior to screening.
  • Staff member will screen visitors and then escorted to designated area.
  • Must maintain 6ft distance for duration of visit.
  • Once seated in the designated area, masks can be removed. Mask must be put back on while exiting.

Please note that these protocols are subject to change based on best practices and direction from the
Chief Medical Officer of Health. The facility reserves the right to cancel visits at any time, for example
active cases in our community.

Reporting COVID‐19 SYMPTOMS For Visitors

If you have any ONE of the following symptoms:

  • Fever (i.e. chills, sweats)
  • Cough or worsening of a previous cough
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle aches
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion/runny nose
  • Hoarse voice
  • Diarrhea
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Red, purple or blueish lesions, on the feet, toes or fingers without clear cause

Do not come to Valley View Villa. Call either Lisa White or the Nurses Station to report your symptoms(s).

If you develop symptoms within 14 days of after your visit, you must call 811 and notify the nurses station.

It is important to always self‐screen and always report your symptoms. Even with few cases of COVID‐19 being reported in NS, we must continue to protect our residents and follow all guidelines. It is the law.