Family & Friends

I know the holidays are nearing and family and friends are wondering what can and cannot be brought into the facility during these challenging times.

  • Christmas presents CAN be brought into the facility & do not have to have an isolation period. If you want the present to be open on Christmas Day please leave instructions to do so also make sure the residents name is labelled clearly on the present.
  • If you are bringing homemade baked goods into the facility they can only go to your resident; they CANNOT be shared between residents or staff.
  • You CAN bring in a small tabletop Christmas tree for your residents room or something small to decorate their room. Please limit the amount of decorations per room.
  • Our facility will be open on Christmas Day from 10-6 for families to visit. Regular visiting rules apply.
  • You are able to take your resident out during the holiday season as long as it is booked the day prior. Regular off site visit rules apply.
  • If you are bringing gifts in for the staff please make sure they are individually wrapped and NO HOMEMADE BAKED GOODS.

If you have any further questions please let me know by email or call (902) 755-5780 ext. 205.

Thank you for understanding the importance of keeping our residents and staff safe.

Take Care

Lisa White