Dear Families and Designated Caregivers:

It is with great excitement to announce that we officially have the Moderna COVID‐19 Vaccine onsite. Tomorrow morning residents will begin their vaccinations. This is expected to finish Wednesday the following day. Thanks to all those who quickly completed consent forms and submitted them back to the facility in a timely manner.

Designated Caregivers will receive their first vaccine here at Valley View Villa on March 22, 23, 26 with the second dose administered April 19, 20, 23. Health Association Nova Scotia (HANS) will be in contact with
all designated caregivers to schedule appointments. Please note that the space used for visitations will be our vaccination clinic, therefor all scheduled visits will be cancelled on these days.

Vaccinating residents and caregivers will be a huge milestone to begin loosening restrictions here at the Villa. We will announce details once we complete the vaccination clinics.


Marcus Stephenson