Dear Families and Loved Ones,
We are very pleased to let you know that the Province of Nova Scotia is now allowing both indoor and outdoor visitation, by appointment only, to its Long‐Term Care Facilities. I know our residents and families are eager to see their loved ones. We are looking forward to supporting in‐person visits in designated areas within the facility and on facility grounds. For Valley View Villa, visits indoors will take place in the main dining room and the gazebos for outdoor. Physical distancing rules apply, and visitors are expected to wear non‐medical masks for outdoor visits and medical masks for indoor visits. Medical masks will be provided to families by the facility when you arrive.
Appointments will be scheduled in advance, and time limits will be in effect to ensure all residents who are able have a chance to visit with family. Visitation will be available only to residents who are not required to self‐isolate and who are not demonstrating signs or symptoms of COVID‐19 or other respiratory‐like illness.
If you wish to schedule a visit, please contact Lisa White ( to book an appointment.
Please note that only one designated non‐essential family/support visitor can visit a resident at a time for indoor visitation. Only three visitors can be designated for indoor visits. These three designated visitors will be decided by the resident or substitute decision maker. Up to five people can visit a resident at a time during outdoor visitation. Outdoor visits do not have a limit to the number of designated visitors. You will be required to follow our protocol for visits, which is based on directives from the Department of Health and Wellness and the Chief Medical Officer of Health. Specific instructions will be provided to you when your appointment is booked.
Should you have to cancel your visitation for any reason, please notify the facility in a timely manner to allow the facility to both support you in rescheduling, as well as allow other families to visit their loved ones.
Marcus Stephenson