Dear Family & Friends,
As of Thursday July 15th we are entering phase 4 of the reopening plan with that being said the following has changed in our facility:
For residents who are fully immunized against COVID-19:
- Visits in a family home, including overnight stays for no more than one night at a time, are now permitted, while adhering to the current Public Health Order (e.g., gathering limits, etc.) Others may visit the home while the resident is present, as long as gathering limits are maintained. It is recommended that all eligible residents in a family home are immunized with at least one dose. A family home includes the home of a family member or Designated Caregiver. This may also include a family cottage, RV, etc.
For residents who are partially immunized or not immunized against COVID-19:
- Full community access is now permitted for residents as per the restrictions in the Public Health Order (such as gathering limits and masking, etc.) Access is permitted with a support person, Designated Caregiver, or independently, if agreed upon by the resident and facility. This includes retail stores, restaurants, banks, adult day programs, work and school. This does not include visits in a family home.
- Indoor visits in designated visitation areas and in resident rooms are now permitted. These visits need to be per booked by the residents Designated Caregiver only. Residents are encouraged, but are not required, to wear a mask and physically distance from their visitor(s). This means that these residents may sit close, hug, touch, or exchange a kiss or handshake during an indoor visit.
Indoor visits must still be booked by the residents Designated Caregiver with a limit of 2 visitors at a time. Between the hours of 10-6 seven days a week.
Outside visits can be booked by family or friends with a limit of 5 including the resident. Between the hours of 9-5 Monday-Friday.
Offsite drives must be per booked the day before by the designated care giver and the designated caregiver must be present during the outing. These can be booked between the hours of 10-6, seven days a week. If you are taking your resident out for the night please remember they are only allowed to leave the facility for one night.
Please ensure all Public Health Guidelines are followed at all times when with your resident.
Valley View Villa Management