Join us in celebrating Christmas this year by helping us light up our Tree dedicated to Love. Our Dedication Christmas Tree is lit to commemorate our deceased loved ones or to honour those still in our lives. The honourees do not have to be residents at the Villa, but can be anyone for whom you have an abiding attachment or appreciation for being part of your life.

On Thursday, December 8th at 6:30, we will have a short service with the lighting of the tree. The tree will stay lit until the end of the holiday season for all to enjoy. If you would like to make a donation in memory or in honour of a loved one, you can pick up donation forms at the Recreation Office or the main entrance. Forms will be available on the Valley View Villa website, and will also be distributed through Canada Post.

All proceeds will go towards Resident Activity programming. Please click here to download the Dedication Form.

Completed forms and donation can be mailed to:

Valley View Villa
6125 Trafalgar Road
Riverton, NS
B0K 1S0